Monday, March 16, 2009

Run, Laura, Run!

I'm not sure if it was a mid-life crisis, a desperate need to flee or an unsuccessful attempt to regain my once youthful physique, but I committed to running a 1/2 marathon with my Moms In Motion training team. I ran in the Ceaser Rodney 1/2 here in Wilmington on March 15th. Weather is usually hit or miss but thankfully it was a balmy 40F at the start. I ran most of the way with my training coach, Katrina. She had us going at a nice 9.5min/mile clip until mile 10 when I totally bonked and told her to strike out on her own. I ended the race at 2:10:20 which was just under a 10min/mile pace. I just barely beat my best 1/2 time back in SF before the kids came so I was happy. Unfortunately I'm 40 so the recovery has been a bit slow.

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