Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The Giggle Machine

Uncle Rhett and Aunt DeeCee sent the boys this fun toy for their birthday. As you can see, it's highly entertaining for the toddler set.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Birthday... Part 2

So after a rough night, we celebrated the boys birthday on Saturday. They got stuffed animals from the girls and a picnic table and bubble mower from us. The birthday cake was a big hit - especially with Dylan :-) We have our fingers crossed that the terrible twos times two isn't as bad as it sounds. Happy Birthday, Boys. We love you!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Happy Birthday...part 1

Nicolas and Dylan turned 2 on Friday! Jessica, our sitter, took them to the museum, out for pizza and frozen custard then home for a nap. After Shawn came home we made pizza (again!) but unfortunately little Nic had other plans and after screaming uncontrollably, Shawn took him off to the ER. He has been fighting a bout of bronchitis and has been on an oral steriod for his asthma so hasn't been at 100% lately. After a long wait in the ER he was diagnosed with an ear infection, had to change antibiotics - he had already been on one for his chest infection. Needless to say the Diego b-day cake had to be saved for later. Not the funnest of birthdays for the little ones.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Spring is almost here which means trips to the park as often as Mommy's energy level allows. The boys have a knack for running in the opposite direction of each other. Perhaps a border collie would help me herd the pack in :-)

Monday, March 16, 2009

Run, Laura, Run!

I'm not sure if it was a mid-life crisis, a desperate need to flee or an unsuccessful attempt to regain my once youthful physique, but I committed to running a 1/2 marathon with my Moms In Motion training team. I ran in the Ceaser Rodney 1/2 here in Wilmington on March 15th. Weather is usually hit or miss but thankfully it was a balmy 40F at the start. I ran most of the way with my training coach, Katrina. She had us going at a nice 9.5min/mile clip until mile 10 when I totally bonked and told her to strike out on her own. I ended the race at 2:10:20 which was just under a 10min/mile pace. I just barely beat my best 1/2 time back in SF before the kids came so I was happy. Unfortunately I'm 40 so the recovery has been a bit slow.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

our big eater!

We finally got the kid who'll eat anything! Unfortunately that not only means asparagus and fish but also window washer and various shiny craft items!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Museum of Natural History

We spent an afternoon at the local natural history museum. It was a lot of fun for the kids. Ellen and Anais did a scavenger hunt and the boys ran around yelling "ROAR".

Sunday, March 8, 2009

the zoo

To the delight of germs throughout Delaware, the weather went from below freezing to 65 in 3 days. We took the opportunity of relatively good health and lots of sun to spend Sunday afternoon at the zoo.

Monday, March 2, 2009

In with a roar

As they say, March came in like a lion this year with a foot of real snow and a "Snow Day" at school. Dylan decided not to play outside but the other 3 kids enjoyed the weather.