Monday, September 21, 2009

Pinwheels for Peace

To celebrate World Peace day at Ellen's school, the students planted Pinwheels that they made in the field next to their school. Anais and I walked up to the school to take part in the event. It was fun to meet some of Ellen's new friends and the experience was very uplifting. Ellen wore a peace shirt she painted over the weekend. As you can see, she is studying patterns.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Ellen started Kindergarten this year and her class "pet" is a stuffed frog. She brought it home for the weekend and we took him to the Creamery. Ellen glued the photos in Froggie's journal and wrote all the fun things she did with him.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Potty training...

We have begun potty training the boys. I'm assuming this will be a very slow process as my past experience has taught me that pushing only makes things harder so it's all about fun and no pressure. And as much as I look forward to a budget that does not include purchasing 250+ diapers a month, I'm dreading the next year of desperate dashes to random bathrooms all over town!