Wednesday, August 20, 2008

5 going on 13!

Ellen has decided that she LOVES Hannah Montana. Of course she knows nothing about the girl, has never seen her TV show or heard her music before yesterday. She is, however, very familiar with Miss Cyrus's image thanks to the wonderful marketing world of disney. While we were at the mall yesterday I stopped at the Hallmark store to get some cards for the many August and Sept b-days coming up. Ellen loves the new music cards and immediately found a Hannah Montana card that she had to have. I told her she was too young but as she threw a fit and proclaimed that it was HER birthday and SHE gets to decide everything, I relented and let her have the card but made the mistake of telling her how I really felt about this poor overly exposed (literally) child pop star. Course this made Ellen "love her" even more. Nothing is better then something that is off limits. Anyway, last night Ellen spent most of the evening listening to her card over and over singing along with the "tune". I was able to get this on tape and thought I'd share. A teenager in training! Although I guess if she was actually 13 she would have rolled her eyes and shut the door in my face when I asked her if I could tape her performance!

1 comment:

Dawn said...

Oh wow, Hannah Montana already????? You are in so much trouble. What were you thinking giving into the disney drug? (Although my girls never liked Hannah Montana, they absolutely adore this video of Ellen singing "Best of Both Worlds". And you haven't really lived until you are the volunteer mom in charge of the first school party of the year and you innocently put in the dance CD given you by a 5th grader, with this Hannah Montana song blaring out .... 200 screaming little girls is something you will never forget!)