Friday, May 2, 2008


About 1 1/2 weeks ago, both Nicolas and Dylan had another cold that quickly went into their lungs. When we took them to the doctor, we learned that they now "officially" have asthma, something that we've been suspecting all winter. After a 5-day treatment of a steroid and the nebulizer (a breathing machine), they are much better. Now we are just waiting to see how things go so the doctor can find out what degree of asthma they have and what type of treatment might be best. Poor bugs!


Marcia Bond said...

They must be from the Peterson family! They are the same age that Kristen was when she was diagnosed. She has pretty much outgrown it now:)

Karina said...

Eh bien, sache qu'au printemps, notre Françoise aussi nous fait de l'asthme! Elle a été hospitalisée la semaine dernière pour détresse respiratoire! Mais les gens fument et polluent encore sans penser plus loin que le bout de leur nez!